Josh Jones-Dilworth
Founder/CEO, JDI & Co-Founder, Culturati
I’ve spent my career making sure that the right things get the attention they deserve. At work and in life, I’m passionate about science and technology; my specific expertise lies in the areas of “brains, bots and bodies” as well as education and education technology. I spend most of my professional time working with innovators in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, healthcare IT and "omics," neuroscience, robotics, chemistry, material science, and aerospace, as well as scientific research commercialization generally.
I founded JDI (Jones-Dilworth, Inc.) in 2009 to bring emerging technologies to market. I love our clients and my team. Think of us as an outsourced, full-stack marketing department, with a domain emphasis on computer science, life science, and both the social and physical sciences. I’m also a co-founder of Litmus Health, Culturati, The Daily Dot and Totem.
Outside of my professional career, I’m driven to give back to the same systems, people, and organizations that made my own success possible in the first place. I’m only here because others did the same for me. I’m on the Board of Trustees at McDonogh School. McDonogh gave me a full ride when it mattered more than you can imagine. They changed my world forever. I teach in the Acton School of Business’ MBA program in Entrepreneurship. I'm at the very beginning of a decades-long journey to become a master Socratic teacher. I’m also on the Boards of Nautilus Magazine, DivInc, Folio Collaborative, and the Entrepreneurs Foundation.
I’m grateful to live in beautiful Austin, Texas with my rockstar wife Liz and two beautiful, precocious daughters Claudia and Quincy, who make a point of asking all the questions and doing all the things long before any of us are ready.
Check out my blog, a Field Guide to Modern Marketing: https://joshjonesdilworth.substack.com/