Breakout Speaker

Dr. Sara Brand

Dr. Sara Brand

Founding General Partner, True Wealth Ventures

Dr. Sara Brand is the Founding General Partner of True Wealth Innovations, a venture capital fund investing in women-led businesses focused on health and sustainable consumer markets where women are well-represented decision makers. Sara holds a Ph.D. in Green Design and Manufacturing, a minor in Public Health and Energy, and a Management of Technology Certification from UC Berkeley. She holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from UT Austin where she serves on the Cockrell School of Engineering's External Advisory Board and acts as Senior Advisor for Health IoT to UT’s new Dell Medical School where Sara fosters health technology innovations across industry, academia and community.

Sara has cultivated a diverse portfolio of leadership experiences including:

• Managing $150M venture fund with four other investment professionals at Fremont Ventures in San Francisco, named as one of the top 10 venture capital firms for adding value to portfolio companies

• Working in large tech companies including Intel, Applied Materials and Advanced Micro Devices and directly with 3 Fortune 500 CEOs and their teams in strategic and operational capacities

• Leading $0 to $100M business units

• Acquiring startups and integrating into large publicly-traded corporations; Leading company mergers and cross-functional dynamics

• Resolving client issues across the semiconductor value chain with McKinsey & Co. in San Francisco

• Founding (512) Brewing Company, the largest draught only, self-distributing microbrewery in the United States

Sara believes in the power of aligning investments to one’s personal values. Her vision for the True Wealth Innovations Fund is to establish an organization designed to facilitate investments in and support of more women led startups with the investment thesis that women-led companies perform better financially, yet are an untapped market since only 3% of venture dollars go to women-led firms today.

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