
Sunday Afternoon, January 26, 2020

Optional Workshops

These workshops require special registration and have limited availability.

Register Here

Capital Factory (16th Floor)

1:00p - 3:30p : Willie Conference Room

Landing Your Next Board Seat

Bill Bock, Silicon Labs, SailPoint, SolarWinds

Rochelle Campbell, NACD

Presented by NACD

Bill Bock and NACD’s Rochelle Campbell will lead this session on how to think about your skills and experience in the context of potential board service, how to best position yourself to serve on a board, best practices for creating board resumés, and how to evaluate a potential board opportunity.

1:00p - 4:00p: Antone's Classroom

A New Playbook on Belonging, Risk-Taking and High Performance

Leader: Rajkumari Neogy, iRestart

Presented by CBRE

What is epigenetics? How does it relate to neurobiology? And what the heck does any of it have to do with belonging, team dysfunction and toxic behaviors?

In this highly experiential and interactive 3-hour workshop, come learn more about how elevating empathy, trust and inclusivity within teams starts with knowing your mindset and skillset. The combination of your mindset and skillset is the wisdom you bring to the table. The key for optimal team performance is learning to access this wisdom to dissolve dysfunction and create safety, especially in moments of conflict or tension. This workshop is ideal for anyone who wants to deep-dive into what prevents collaboration, engagement and allyship while inspiring transformation. You’ll understand the 4 team roles of dysfunction, what drives exclusion, the 3 types of empathy that remedy exclusion and the key tenet leaders need to drive change.

You’ll walk away with tools you can apply immediately once you’re back with your team.

You’ll have a better understanding of what drives dysfunction and how to work with it in the moment.

You’ll have a chance to practice an empathy PRO TIP with your peers.

Sunday Night, January 26, 2020

Robert B. Rowling Hall at the McCombs School of Business, UT Austin





Is this your first Culturati experience?

Come early to meet and network with your fellow first-timers. Members from the Culturati Steering and Programming Committees will welcome you to Culturati!



5:35p - 5:45p


Eugene Sepulveda, Culturati

5:45p - 5:50p


Erin Essenmacher, NACD

5:50p - 6:20p


Speaker: Admiral James G. Stavridis, USN (Ret.), Former Supreme Allied Commander at NATO

Tags: Strategic Leadership, Courageous Leadership

Admiral James Stavridis is a retired four-star U.S. naval officer. He led the NATO Alliance in global operations from 2009 to 2013 as Supreme Allied Commander with responsibility for Afghanistan, Libya, the Balkans, Syria, counter piracy, and cyber security. He also served as Commander of U.S. Southern Command, with responsibility for all military operations in Latin America from 2006-2009. He earned more than 50 medals, including 28 from foreign nations in his 37-year military career.

Admiral Stavridis earned a PhD in international relations and has published eight books and hundreds of articles in leading journals around the world. He is a monthly columnist for TIME Magazine and Chief International Security Analyst for NBC News.

In this opening keynote, Admiral Stavridis will offer an intimate, human accounting of the lessons of leadership and character contained in the lives and careers of history's most significant naval commanders, based on his new book, Sailing True North: Ten Admirals and the Voyage of Character.

Attendees will get an intimate, human accounting of the lessons of leadership and character contained in the lives and careers of history’s most significant naval commanders, spanning 2,500 years from ancient Greece to the twenty-first century.

You’ll learn when to listen to your shipmates and when to turn a blind eye; that serving your reputation is a poor substitute for serving your character; and that taking time to read and reflect is not a luxury, it’s a necessity.

You’ll get current commentary on the sweep of global geopolitics and what it means for you and your organization, from one of today’s foremost experts.

6:20p - 6:30p


Josh Jones-Dilworth, Culturati

Monday, January 27, 2020



8:30a - 8:40a


Eugene Sepulveda (Culturati)

Josh Jones-Dilworth, (Culturati)

Emcee: Muna Hussaini, (Indeed)

8:40a - 9:00a


Major General Angie Salinas, U.S. Marine Corps, Girls Scouts of Southwest Texas

Tags: Strategic Leadership, Courageous Leadership

Major General Salinas is a trailblazing leader, a barrier breaker, and a woman of many firsts. General Salinas was the first Latina promoted to General Officer in the Marine Corps; the first woman in Marine Corps history to lead a recruit training command; and the first woman to serve as the Chief of Plans and Policies of a major combatant organization.

In this keynote, Major General Salinas will talk about her leadership lessons learned from her 39 years of military experience and in her current role as CEO of the Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas.

Through powerful stories, you will explore the moral courage leaders need to demonstrate in the most difficult circumstances.

What is the role of compassion and the willingness to accept failure in the life of a leader? General Salinas shares the tests and challenges leaders face and how compassion and failure are friend, not foe.

9:00a - 9:20a


Stuart Crabb, Oxegen Consulting, LLC

Tags: Courageous Leadership

Stuart joined Facebook very early and lead their global learning and development efforts for more than seven years. Today he spends most of his time working with organizations who are experiencing major organizational change, due to hyper-growth, restructuring, acquisition, and more.

In this keynote, Stuart will highlight patterns of success in leaders who successfully steward their organizations through challenging seasons, and he’ll leave attendees with a set of repeatable strategies that can be immediately put to use in any organization.

In his time with us, Stuart will focus specifically on culture and leadership challenges that newer companies face, but the resulting lessons are applicable to all.

Attendees will gain key insights into common do’s and don’ts in periods of high growth. How does culture continue to flourish? Is it possible to keep what made us great, or must we renovate?

You’ll learn what Facebook did well and could have done better as it grew, specifically around training the next generation of leaders at the company.

You’ll learn how to unlock high performance by treating people like an owner, getting out of their way, building a culture of continuous learning, and never avoiding a hard conversation.

9:20a - 9:40a


Carin Taylor, Workday

Tags: Strategic Leadership, Courageous Leadership

Great leaders know firsthand that diversity and inclusion drive high performance, employee engagement, and innovation. Yet it is possible to be diverse and included but still not feel like you belong. Without belonging, we're not able to fully manifest the full impact of the diverse and inclusive culture we’ve built.

In this keynote, Workday Chief Diversity Office Carin Taylor will talk about what's next for CEOs, COOs, CHROs with a DEI mandate. She'll open up about Workday's new Belonging Index, how it was implemented, and what concrete actions were taken as a result. She'll talk about what didn't work too, and where she sees the most room for improvement, both at Workday and beyond.

Attendees will gain key insights into how Taylor uses data to monitor things like pay equity, time-to-promotion, and turnover.

You’ll learn why in order to make stronger connections with each other, we need to share our experiences—including the difficult ones, when we’ve felt like an outsider.

You’ll also learn about Workday’s Global Employee Belong Council and Leadership Summit, which brought together representatives from more than 20 employee belonging councils like The Talented Tenth, Workday Pride, Veterans @ Workday, and Women @ Workday, to name a few.

9:40a - 10:00a: Break & Walk to Capital Factory

10:00a - 10:30a: Voltron


Networking, Notes, & Conversations

Visit with Aduro, CultureAmp, NACD, Verb and more.

10:30a - 11:20a: Featured Sessions One

Capital Factory

Choose one of the following four sessions to attend

Austin City Limits: 16th Floor



Laura Rodnitzky, 3Q Digital

Andy Horng, Cultivate Technology, Inc.


Ethan Burris, McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin

Tags: Measuring Leadership, Strategic Leadership

Not all data is created equal. Some is collected actively, asking employees for extensive feedback. Other data is collected passively, with a variety of tools that analyze people’s messages, movements, or productivity.

What does a commitment to using data to for cultural insight look like? Does it mean a data scientist is part of your HR team? Does it mean that algorithms detect the overall sentiment of the emails sent in the company? Are managers measured on how responsive they are? How does measurement become “spying”?

Attendees will learn how new and novel kinds of data can be used in a way that builds trust in the company.

You’ll also learn how how a more nuanced understanding of data can lead to actions that meaningfully improve culture.

You’ll also hear specific recommendations for increasing the sophistication of both your analysis and the underlying data you work with everyday.

Antone's: 16th Floor


Hannah Nokes, Magnify Impact

Maggie Miller, Magnify Impact

Tags: Purposeful Leadership, Strategic Leadership

In an era when brands often feel they must “take a stand,” aligning purpose and profit is key. Hannah and Maggie help business leaders turn their social responsibility programs into powerful tools for engaging customers and employees. They have worked extensively with Culturati members at Notley, Texas Mutual, Sailpoint, Lockheed Martin, and more.

In this interactive session, attendees will be able to walk away with a tangible action plan to involve your most important stakeholders in strategic objectives and financial returns.

Attendees will learn how social impact can be used as a leadership tool to further employee fulfillment and purpose mindset.

You’ll also explore how your company can apply your unique superpower to transform communities.

Finally, you will map out how to electrify your company’s ecosystem so that stakeholders become loyal champions and raving fans.

Devvie: 1st Floor


Steph Mann, At Your Core

Anne Foreman, At Your Core

Tags: Purposeful Leadership, Measuring Leadership

It’s not what you say, but what you do that matters. Start doing. Results will follow. Too often, speed to market and the pace of innovation make all-important values work an afterthought.

Steph and Anne have helped steward company values, drive business growth, and affect change at companies like Method, Tile, Fitbit, Cuyana, Glo, Josie Maran Cosmetics, and more.

In this interactive workshop they will share specific examples of how establishing a shared understanding of values/behaviors and truly living them increases productivity and faster decision making. Attendees will use At Your Core's proven framework to both audit and build their own plan.

You'll learn the ins and outs of successful values initiatives.

You'll pressure test your own company values and behaviors.

You'll have the tools (and time) to build your own customized values playbook (and collaborate with fellow attendees on theirs).

Johnny Five: 1st Floor


Aubrey Blanche, The Mathpath

Despite billions of dollars of expenditure on diversity & inclusion over the last decade, most organizations haven't significantly moved the needle in building a balanced, diverse workforce.

Using her structural, social science-based approach, Aubrey helped Atlassian more than double the percentage of women in technical and leadership roles while increasing the representation of people of color and employees over 40--while in hyperscale across 5 continents.

The audience will learn why many well-intentioned efforts haven't been as effective as they could be, and where to do about it.

This session will provide new and actionable insights on how to prioritize diversity & inclusion initiatives and will give specific frameworks for designing fair work environments.

You will also receive immediately actionable tips to start building a culture where everyone feels they can belong.

11:20a - 11:40a: Break & Walk to Brazos Hall

Lunch will be served upstairs at Brazos Hall

11:40a - 12:40p: Lunch

Deep Dive or Dig Deeper: Choose Your Own Adventure

Do you hope to connect with colleagues who have extensive experience as practitioners in one facet of leading culture? Or are you interested to learn more about something that has caught your attention but is a new subject in your professional journey? Perhaps you just want to chat with friends you’ve made at past events.

Culturati’s lunch format allows you to select from one of several lenses on leadership, around which tables have been organized - or select a table where anything goes. This is an opportunity to network, investigate, share wisdom, and cross-pollinate ideas. We’ll provide menus of conversation with carefully-crafted questions to add some spice to whatever you want to share with your tablemates over a family-style feast.

12:40p - 1:00p


Jeremy Hunter, Executive Mind Leadership Institute at the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management at Claremont Graduate University

Tags: Mindful Leadership, Strategic Leadership

We were never given an instruction manual for our brain, nor our body. Mindlessness is the default condition of human beings and it affects everything we do. In a tumultuous world, this form of autopilot can be deadly for both people and organizations.

By contrast, mindfulness is how we practice mastery of our nervous system, our attention and our actions.

Today’s leaders need to know how to bring greater calm and clarity when endeavoring to solve challenging problems. Today’s leaders need to know how to stay on target and find the necessary energy to keep moving ahead. Today’s leaders need to create positive options where none seem present.

Peter Drucker famously asserted that “you cannot manage other people unless you manage yourself first.” In this keynote, Jeremy will give an overview of the necessary internal skills leaders need to be effective in quickly changing and unpredictable times. He’ll also allow us a little time to practice together as a group.

Attendees will learn about the science of mindfulness and what’s happening biologically when we’re mindless.

You’ll learn how to recognize your state, and how to begin to express deliberate command over your nervous system.

You’ll also learn some very speakable new vocabulary to talk about mindfulness work with those you lead.

1:00p - 1:10p


Introduction: Eric Dawson, PeaceFirst

Project #1: Omid Gholamzadeh, Aid You

Project #2 Devin Kelly, Understanding Youth Philanthropy

Tags: Purposeful Leadership, Courageous Leadership

Young people can be powerful problem-solvers if they are called and prepared to do so.

In the first of two quick segments during the day on our keynote stage, we’ll hear from several youth culture creators from around the globe, presented by PeaceFirst, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping young people around the world to become agents of positive change.

These Fellows-In-Residence have accomplished much already. They have created homes for queer youth in the American South, helped immigrants discover their political power, built a large peer-to-peer network in U.S. schools to combat isolation, and more. Their Culturati presentations are the culmination of an intense Accelerator experience that provides each Fellow with the tools, talent, capital and awareness needed to scale their work.

1:10p - 2:00p


Amy Nelson, The Riveter

Arlan Hamilton, Backstage Capital

Tags: Purposeful Leadership, Courageous Leadership

Good friends and frequent collaborators, Arlan and Amy each lead very successful, purpose-driven organizations that advance women and underrepresented groups.

Arlan and Amy each have a unique way of leading that maps to their own values, constraints, and ambition. Together they are setting a new example for emerging leaders that rejects old models and assumptions about what it means to motivate others to action.

In this keynote, Arlan and Amy will discuss their own leadership journeys, the hallmarks of their respective leadership styles, and the process of developing their own template for what it means to be a leader and steward a high-performing culture.

As an audience we’ll have the privilege of peeking in on old friends catching up and getting 100% real about the challenges they have faced and the paths they blaze everyday.

In this session, attendees can expect the following key takeaways:

You’ll see leaders who deliver successful change at scale by focusing on organizational health and wealth discuss the highs and lows of this approach.

You’ll experience a candid, myth-busting conversation around why funding women and marginalized groups makes good business sense.

You’ll see community-first leaders who do not shy away from sociopolitical issues discuss how their leadership is impacted in an election cycle.

2:00p - 2:20p: Break & Walk to Capital Factory

2:20p - 2:50p: Voltron


Networking, Notes, Conversations

Visit with Aduro, CultureAmp, NACD, Verb and more.

2:50p - 3:40p: Featured Sessions Two

Choose one of the following four sessions to attend

Devvie: 1st floor


Jeremy Hunter, Peter F. Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University

Tags: Mindful Leadership, Strategic Leadership

In this workshop, Dr. Hunter will build on his keynote talk by giving participants the opportunity to practice mindfulness in action.

Participants will be led through a short, deeper dive into the science of mindfulness, and then will both learn and experience firsthand two frameworks for making mindful leadership a regular practice. We’ll focus on resilience zones, and integrating awareness in action.

You’ll leave with a set of tools that you can use to meaningfully strengthen your leadership skills, as well as a conversant understanding of what mindfulness is and how it can benefit your team in a business setting. Please bring an issue that is live for you right now. We will use that as a case study.

Attendees will learn how mindfulness benefits leaders, especially when under duress.

You’ll learn two specific new frameworks for understanding where you are and what you need in order to lead.

And most importantly, you’ll also learn some easily repeatable exercises to use in your daily executive life.

Austin City Limits: 16th Floor


Kate Hogan, Hagerty

Hagerty's innovative culture is grounded in purpose and codified in their “People Promise” — a practical description of the company's commitments to employees who consistently bring their best to work.

In this session, longtime Culturati member Kate Hogan will describe the People Promise and how they connect their teams’ sense of purpose to corporate objectives.

They’ll also show how the People Promise became a strategic initiative for Hagerty, how they've integrated it into their leadership and corporate practices, and how they measure business impact. They’ll also show you how your organization can launch its own People Promise in 2020.

Attendees will learn exactly how Hagerty reconnected company goals and priorities to what matters most to each employee.

You’ll learn how the process unfolded in time, and what Hagerty will do differently next time.

And most importantly, you’ll see data that expresses the work’s success, and understand how to measure similar efforts at your own company.

Antone's: 16th Floor


Josh Levine, Good Mondays

Tags: Measuring Leadership, Strategic Leadership

Join Josh Levine of Great Mondays and special guests for this culture and leadership focused version of the classic TV game show. From the learnings of culture turnarounds to habits of top CEOs, together we’ll explore the tactics of some of the best (and worst) leaders.

Test your knowledge of culture wins and fails from the Valley and beyond!

You’ll learn about (and be able to steal) large and small tactics from a variety of company cultures.

You’ll expand your knowledge of culture wins and snafus via an entertaining and energizing format.

You’ll detect and discuss patterns across a wide variety of companies and contexts.

Johnny Five: 1st Floor



Lynette Barksdale, Goldman Sachs

Adrianna Cantu, Revealix

Madison Butler, Everlywell


Jodi-Ann Burey, REI

Tags: Courageous Leadership, Strategic Leadership

Intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, considers how systems of oppression disproportionately impact folks with intersecting, marginalized identities. Although cultural norms and demographics have shifted, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) often remain underrepresented, inequitably compensated, and excluded in organizations. We need to close access, skills, leadership, and wage gaps and using an intersectional lens helps.

This panel will discuss why centering BIPOC through an intersectional lens matters, and provide practical takeaways to help you take meaningful action. In the session, attendees can expect the following key takeaways:

An understanding of intersectionality within and across various dimensions of identity and how to apply this lens to your work. Dimensions of identity may include, but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, processing style, neurodiversity, class, education, and age.

Key strategies to consider with your team that support workforce development and innovation through an equitable, inclusive lens.

Resource recommendations (books, podcasts, etc.) to support your personal growth and development.

3:40p - 4:00p: Break & Walk to Brazos Hall

4:00p - 4:10p


Project #3: Kayla Wilson, Metamorphosis Mobile Boutique

Project #4: Oluwaseun Kayode, Rebook Africa

Project #5: Sanah Jivani, The Love Your Natural Self Foundation

Tags: Purposeful Leadership, Courageous Leadership

Young people can be powerful problem-solvers if they are called and prepared to do so.

In the second of two quick segments during the day on our keynote stage, we’ll hear from several youth culture creators from around the globe, presented by PeaceFirst, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping young people around the world to become agents of positive change.

These Fellows-In-Residence have accomplished much already. They have created homes for queer youth in the American South, helped immigrants discover their political power, built a large peer-to-peer network in U.S. schools to combat isolation, and more. Their Culturati presentations are the culmination of an intense Accelerator experience that provides each Fellow with the tools, talent, capital and awareness needed to scale their work.

4:10p - 5:00p



Dr. Darren White, Aduro

Dr. Eileen McNeely, SHINE, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Kathryn Farmer, Levi Strauss & Co.


Dr. Steven Tomlinson, Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas

Tags: Purposeful Leadership, Measuring Leadership

When employees are at their best, organizations are unstoppable. Are your employees fine or are they flourishing?

In this all-star closing keynote panel we consider what it means for employees and organizations to flourish across every aspect of work and life.

We’ll examine original research from Harvard School of Public Health about how a culture of care promotes human performance, show how human support and technology can help put this science into practice, and see how Levi's commitment to employees and workers pays off.

Attendees will learn what really drives well-being at work and surprising ways a thriving culture affects business outcomes.

You’ll also understand the kind of human support and systems needed to build and sustain a culture where employees flourish.

And most importantly, you’ll get fresh ideas about how to apply this new science to your own company initiatives.

5:00p - 5:15p


Eugene Sepulveda, Culturati

Josh Jones-Dilworth, Culturati

Emcee: Muna Hussaini, Indeed

5:15p - 6:30p


Post-Event Networking